Wednesday, March 13, 2013

My Swedish Diet - The Results

I won't be writing a book about the amazing new Swedish Diet. I still think it's amazing, but it won't help you lose weight. I managed to gain weight for the first time while visiting Europe. It took the entire three weeks though. By the middle of my vacation, I noticed my jeans were loose. I had lost a pound (1/2 kilo). Noticing this, I poured even more effort into gaining weight and succeeded by the end. I gained a whole pound in Europe. That's about 2 kilos. So, there. You can gain weight in Sweden on vacation, although it's quite difficult to do.

I did realize after the second day why it's so easy to eat junk and still lose weight. You walk everywhere. I estimate I walked about a half marathon to a marathon every day - with a 10 pound backpack added for good measure. Walking around with extra weight for a whole day will shred those pounds - even if you're eating bucket loads of sugar, fat, carbs, and everything that isn't good for you. Eating like this all the time would easily take its toll. You might look thin, but a check on your arteries would easily give you away.

I enjoyed being on my Swedish Diet. I hope to get back on it again in the future, even if it does mean a ton of walking. If  walking means I can eat all the junk food I can handle, I'm all for it.

Almost a pound of my favorite Swedish candy. This was my dinner one night. And a few other nights. Ok, fine, several nights.


  1. lol there you go :) but I have experienced the same, although I seem to live healthier in Sweden, except all the sugar and lösgodis

    1. Living healthier while on vacation? You're crazy, woman! ;o) All that sugar and candy is hard to resist when it's everywhere.

  2. Yes, I do (I think) because of all the fresh seafood and things that I usually don't eat in Germany :)

    1. You can't beat Sweden for fresh seafood. Love the shrimp and salmon everywhere. And it's relatively cheap in comparison. A nice combination.
